Look What The Obamas Did IMMEDIATELY After Getting On Plane

Barack and Michelle Obama have spent the last ten days partying with billionaire Richard Branson in the British Virgin Islands. Today, however, their tropical getaway finally came to an end. Daily Mail reported that the Obamas were photographed landing at the airport...

Audi Launches Liberal Super Bowl Ad – Quickly Learn They Made A BIG Mistake

Ever since Donald Trump took office, companies have been trying to separate themselves from him by portraying themselves as liberal as possible. One such company is Audi, who decided to make a very political ad for the Super Bowl in the hopes of appeasing...

Ellen Degeneres Launches VILE Attack On Trump – Immediately Wishes She Hadn’t…

Last Friday, Donald Trump had a sweet moment when he screened the animated film Finding Dory in the White House for his staffers and their children. When Ellen Degeneres, the film’s star, heard about this, she was enraged that the president would dare to watch “her...


Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, Hollywood liberals have been calling for Americans to go to any means necessary to take the presidency from him, even if it means violence. The Daily Beast reported that during an episode of The View this...

Melania Trump Makes MASSIVE Announcement

Melania Trump has spent the last few weeks since her husband’s inauguration out of the public eye as she quietly builds her staff from her home in New York City. That’s why it came as welcome news to her supporters today when it was announced that she will be...

Over 12,000 People Call For Trump’s Assassination

We knew that liberals all over the U.S. hate Donald Trump, but even we had no idea they were this bad… Daily Mail reported that over 12,000 tweets have come in calling for Trump to be assassinated since he was inaugurated two weeks ago.   Former Secret Service...

Regis Philbin Risks Everything To DEFEND Trump

The liberal entertainment world is so ridiculously liberal that it’s rare to find any celebrity that is brave enough to defy...

BREAKING: Senate Passes Vote To Overturn MAJOR Obama Agenda

The Senate took another shot at Barack Obama’s legacy on Thursday when they voted 54-45 to kill his coal mining rule. The Hill reported that this vote gives Donald Trump his first chance to take an environmental rule off the books from Obama’s administration. The...

Trump Shocks Everyone With Major Announcement About His Health

Donald Trump’s personal physician spoke out today to discuss the president’s health, and what he had to say left some people feeling shocked. Western Journalism reported that Dr. Harold Bornstein revealed that Trump is currently taking medication to treat hair loss,...

Sarah Silverman Calls For Violent MILITARY COUP Against Trump, Then Gets A NASTY Surprise

Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, wealthy liberal celebrities have been showing how out of touch they are with REAL Americans by constantly speaking out against him. This week, loudmouth comedian Sarah Silverman took things too far when she called...

Trump Just Gave Welfare-Leaching Aliens A RUDE Wakeup Call

During Barack Hussein Obama’s sham of a presidency, millions of illegal aliens were able to game the system and get on the welfare system, meaning they were milking Americans of their hard-earned tax dollars. Unfortunately for these illegal welfare leaches, however,...


A radical Muslim who was accused of killing a Denver transit officer execution-style on Tuesday night was on the national terror watch list and had been kicked out of a mosque in Texas for “unspecified conduct.” Conservative Tribune reported that 56-year-old Scott Von...

Anti-Tump Protesters Block Road – Patriotic Driver Says HELL NO

U.C. Berkeley descended into chaos last night as liberals launched violent protests in response to the planned campus speech by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos. At the protest, liberal thugs set fires in the streets, looted businesses, and assaulted Trump...

Ivanka Trump Makes SHOCKING Announcement About Her Father

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, a senior advisor to Donald Trump, have always been known as a calming influence on the president. That’s why it came as a surprise this week when reports surfaced that the two are losing influence on Trump just weeks after...

Pelosi’s Planned ‘Victim’ Tries to Read Planned Question… Flops BIG TIME!

Liberal fool Nancy Pelosi held a town hall on CNN on Tuesday night in which she said she was taking questions from “ordinary Americans.” Of course, she ended up planting a woman in the audience claimed to be a victim of Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban.” Unfortunately for...

Trump Confronts Mexican President – Tells Him To Stop ‘Bad Hombres’ Down There Or Else

Donald Trump unloaded on Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in a conference call threatening to send U.S. troops to stop “bad hombres down there” unless the Mexican military gets control of itself again. The excerpt from the Friday morning call did not include any...

Megyn Kelly Hit With SHOCKING NEWS – She’s Done…

Megyn Kelly was notoriously unpopular with her fellow Fox News hosts before she left the network for NBC. Now, it appears that the anchors at her new network can’t stand Kelly as well. Daily Mail reported that Tamron Hall announced today she will be leaving NBC after...


The Hollywood world is in mourning this week after actress Emmanuelle Riva, who was nominated for an Oscar in 2012 for her role in Amour, past away at the age of 89. The New York Times reported that her death was confirmed by her agent, Anne Alvares Correa, who said...

You Won’t Believe Where Malia Obama Just Turned Up…

Barack and Michelle Obama are currently enjoying a lavish vacation in the British Virgin Islands with billionaire Richard Branson. However, their daughter Malia is not with them… Instead, Malia is living in New York City, where she has scored a major internship with...

Chelsea Clinton Mouths Off To Donald Trump – INSTANTLY Regrets It

The entire Clinton family is still bitter and stunned that Hillary lost to Donald Trump in the presidential election. On Wednesday, Chelsea Clinton showed just what a sore loser she is when she tried to bash Trump on Twitter. Unfortunately for Chelsea, however, her...

Here’s What Trump Did While NOBODY Was Looking…

While much of the media's focus has been on high-profile events and controversies surrounding former President Donald Trump, there have been several significant actions he has taken that have flown under the radar. These quiet yet impactful moves have shaped his...

Madonna Mouths Off To Donald Trump – Gets NASTY Dose Of Karma

Just after the inauguration, Madonna made headlines when she made a truly vile threat against Donald Trump. Now, it’s come back to bite her in a big way… During a protest in Washington D.C., Madonna said she’s thought an “awful lot about blowing up the White House.”...

Whoopi Goldberg Says Trump Turned America Into THE TALIBAN – INSTANTLY Regrets It

Whoopi Goldberg has been mouthing off about Donald Trump on her talk show The View ever since he won the presidential election. However, she took things way too far on Tuesday when she effectively compared him to a terrorist when she insinuated that his policies...

Al Sharpton Tries To Use Jesus To Bash Trump – INSTANTLY Regrets It

Liberals have spent the last few days whining constantly about Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban that he placed on seven nations with known ties to terrorism last Friday. Days later, infamous race-baiter Al Sharpton tried to use Jesus Christ to justify his disdain...

Obama Gets NASTY Dose Of Karma After Slamming Trump’s Travel Ban

Yesterday, Barack Obama broke his silence to slam Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on immigration from seven Middle Eastern countries that have known ties to terror. Obama office statement on Trump’s refugee/travel ban pic.twitter.com/OV4RktSuSn — Jordan Fabian...

Trump RUINS Obama’s Vacation By Investigating Him For THIS

Barack Obama has been on vacation ever since he was forced to hand over power to Donald Trump. Unfortunately for Obama, however, Trump just did something that is likely to ruin the rest of his relaxing holiday. The Daily Caller reported that Trump’s inspector general...

BREAKING: Trump Gets Support From MAJOR World Leader

World leaders all over the globe are up in arms over Donald Trump’s travel ban and his crackdown on illegal immigration. One world leader, however, has warned his citizens in the U.S. illegally not to expect any help from him when it comes to Trump’s deportations....

Jerry Seinfeld Gets DESTROYED For “Offensive” Black Lives Matters Tweet, WHAT DO YOU THINK?On CNN That Obama Funded ISIS!

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld recently found himself at the center of a heated social media firestorm after posting a tweet about the Black Lives Matter movement that many deemed offensive. The tweet, which quickly gained widespread attention, sparked outrage among a...

Ashton Kutcher SLAMS Donald Trump, Then Gets A Nasty Dose Of Karma

During the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night, the elite liberal celebrities there showed just how out of touch they are with working class Americans by bashing Donald Trump. Actor Ashton Kutcher set the tone for the anti-Trump show when he kicked it off with...

DEMOCRATIC Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Proves On CNN That Obama Funded ISIS!

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made headlines with her bold assertions during a CNN interview, claiming that the Obama administration provided support to ISIS, sparking a widespread political debate. Gabbard, a former U.S. Representative from Hawaii and Army...

22 Shot In THIS US City

A wave of gun violence struck a major U.S. city recently, leaving 22 people wounded in a series of tragic incidents that have further ignited debates around gun control and public safety. This surge of shootings, which occurred over a span of hours, has left residents...

Melania Trump DESTROYS Writer Who Called Her An ‘Escort’

Melania Trump, former First Lady of the United States, has once again found herself in the spotlight, but this time, it’s not for her political or charitable work. Instead, she is taking a strong stand against defamatory claims made by a writer, accusing her of being...

Trump Makes Major Announcement About Supreme Court Pick – He’s Chosen…

Former President Donald Trump has made a major announcement regarding his choice for the next U.S. Supreme Court justice, a decision that is expected to have long-lasting implications for the judicial landscape of the nation. With this latest nomination, Trump...

You Won’t Believe What Donald Trump Is Doing This Weekend…

Donald Trump has had a rough week since receiving an unprecedented amount of backlash from uninformed liberals who are furious about his travel ban. Perhaps all the negativity has taken a toll on the president, as he has made a surprising announcement about his...

Anti-Trump Rep. John Lewis Gets Some BAD News After Messing With Trump

Just before the inauguration, Representative John Lewis made headlines when he launched a bitter feud against Donald Trump by saying he was not a “legitimate president.” Now, Lewis has been hit with a nasty dose of karma for this ridiculous statement. The Washington...

Malia Obama Mouths Off To Donald Trump – INSTANTLY Regrets It

It’s been just over a week since Malia Obama was forced to leave the White House so that the Trumps could move in, and the 18 year-old just did something that shows how bitter she is that she had to give up her taxpayer-funded mansion. Malia was reportedly one of 100...

Hollywood Actress Trashes Trump in Public… REGRETS IT INSTANTLY

Liberals have been up in arms ever since Donald Trump signed his temporary travel ban on Friday night, mostly because the mainstream media has tried to make it look like Donald Trump banned all Muslims from the U.S. Nobody has been more vocally angry than the liberal...

OMG! Guess Who Was Behind The Lawsuit Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order?

A major lawsuit was filed challenging then-President Donald Trump’s controversial executive order that temporarily halted refugee admissions into the United States, sparking heated debate across the nation. The order, which aimed to pause the entry of refugees for 120...


Barack Hussein Obama has only been out of office for just over a week, and his legacy is already being destroyed before his very eyes. Breitbart reported that GOP leaders are planning to use a fast-track congressional process to kill the anti-gun regulation that was...

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Mouths Off To Trump During Awards Show – INSTANTLY Regrets It

The annual Screen Actors Guild Awards took place last night, and the Hollywood elites being honored there quickly took the opportunity to show how out of touch they are by bashing Donald Trump. One such celebrity was Julia Louis-Dreyfus, known for her role on the...

MAJOR WORLD LEADER Endorses President Trump’s Wall…TAKE THAT HATERS!

Amid a torrent of opposition from disgruntled Americans, one friend of the U.S. has come out in support of the wall along our southern border. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has had personal experience with a border wall decreasing his country’s...

Soon There Could Be Only 49 States In America, THIS IS HAPPENING!

While California has been working on secession for some time, the election of President Trump has exponentially accelerated efforts among frustrated residents.  They cite numerous reasons for seeking secession, but the largest is that they claim an overall ideological...

Watch Bill Maher SLAM Liberals For Being Too PC, THIS IS BREAKING THE INTERNET!

In Friday’s edition of New Rules, Bill Maher went on a tirade about the political correctness that plagues our nation today.  He said the democratic party has “gone from the party that protects people to the party that protects feelings . . . from ‘ask not what your...

BREAKING: Iran Announces RETALIATION For Trump’s Muslim Ban

Just 24 hours after Donald Trump announced his “Muslim ban”, the country of Iran is fighting back. The Iranian Foreign Ministry called Trump’s immigration ban an “a flagrant insult to the Muslim world” and promised to retaliate on Saturday. In a statement released in...

BREAKING: Obama Does The Unthinkable HOURS Before Leaving Office

Barack Hussein Obama has less than 24 hours left in his presidency, and he just did something that proves he fully intends to go out with a bang. The Gateway Pundit reported that Obama commuted the sentences of over 330 convicted criminals today. This means he has...

Black Lives Matter Protesters Get Some BAD News After Trying To Shut Down Traffic On Road

During Barack Hussein Obama’s sham of a presidency, it’s become common for Black Lives Matter protesters to block traffic on highways. In the video above, however, the race-baiters learn the hard way that blocking traffic on highways may not be a great idea. The...

Hillary Clinton Gets The WORST News Of Her Life – She Is DONE

Ever since Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the presidential election, she has been whining that she only lost because Russia hacked the election and rigged it against her. Clinton’s liberal minions followed her lead and demanded an investigation into just what...

Melania Trump Just Got DEVASTATING News – This Isn’t Good…

Liberals claim to be devoted feminists who are strongly against slut-shaming anyone. Unless, of course, that person is Melania Trump. As First Lady, Melania Trump will become the official head of the Girl Scouts in a role that is purely ceremonial and involves just a...

Disturbing Development About Trump’s Inauguration – IT’S HAPPENING

Earlier this week, James O’Keefe’s watchdog group Project Veritas released hidden cameras revealing that the radical leftist group D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition was planning to launch a terrorist attack to ruin Donald Trump’s inauguration tomorrow. Now, O’Keefe has...

Trump Just Did THIS Immediately After Flying Out Of New York City

Donald Trump flew from New York City to Washington D.C. today for his inauguration tomorrow, arriving in the capitol at noon. Daily Mail reported that Trump’s family exited the aircraft first, with his 10 year-old son Barron leading the way. He was followed by Donald...

Trump Lands In Washington D.C. – IMMEDIATELY Does THIS

Donald Trump made one of his final trips on his private jet last night when he flew from New York City to Reagan International Airport in Washington D.C. He then flew back to New York for what will be his last trip on his jet, as he will use a military plane to fly...

Hillary Clinton Just Got Some HUMILIATING News

With Donald Trump’s inauguration set to take place tomorrow, gift shops in Washington D.C. are full of Trump supporters trying to buy his merchandise. Unfortunately for the owners of these shops, many of them preordered Hillary Clinton Inaugural merchandise because...

Massive Terrorist Attack Planned For Trump Inauguration Day

Tomorrow, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Unfortunately, it’s just been revealed that Mexican drug cartels and Middle Eastern jihadists have teamed up to mark the occasion by launching a series of terrorist attacks along the...

BREAKING: Trump To Sign 200 Executive Orders As Soon As He’s Inaugurated

Donald Trump will be inaugurated tomorrow as the 45th president of the United States, and he is reportedly planning to immediately do something that has Barack Hussein Obama and his liberal minions in panic mode. The Daily Caller reported that Fox News legal analyst...

Bill O’Reilly Just Got Some AMAZING News

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly made a major announcement this week when he revealed that he will be sitting down with incoming President Donald Trump for his third interview with him just before the Super Bowl. Daily Mail reported that O’Reilly will interview Trump...

BREAKING: Assassination Attempt On Trump Days Before Inauguration

A man was arrested in Miami Beach this week for threatening to kill Donald Trump just days before his inauguration. The Miami Herald reported that 51 year-old Dominic Puopolo posted a video online on Monday in which he threatened the president-elect’s life. “This is...

BREAKING: Barbara Bush Rushed To Hospital

Former First Lady Barbara Bush was rushed to the hospital today after she became “fatigued” and started “coughing.” This came days after her husband George H.W. Bush was rushed to the Houston Methodist Hospital with pneumonia. Daily Mail reported that a statement by...

BREAKING: Obama Will Be The First President Since Eisenhower To…

Barack Hussein Obama will finally be leaving the White House for good in two days, and he will be leaving behind one of the worst legacies of any president in U.S. history. Conservative Tribune reported that Obama has consistently put the U.S. last during his time in...

Obama To Get On Plane IMMEDIATELY After Inauguration – Here’s Where He’s Headed…

Barack Obama only has two days left before he will be forced to leave the White House and hand over power to Donald Trump. Now, it’s been revealed that Obama is planning to leave Washington D.C. immediately after Trump is inaugurated to head on yet another vacation....

Democrats Boycotting Trump Inauguration Just Got BAD NEWS

Earlier today, we reported that 59 Democrat lawmakers have announced that they will be boycotting Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday. Now, the president-elect is firing back at these idiots in a big way. “As far as other people not going, that’s OK, because we need...

Horrifying Announcement About Trump’s Inauguration

Donald Trump’s inauguration is just two days away, and many bitter liberal groups are scrambling to wreak as much havoc as they can during it. One such organization is the anti-American group Code Pink, who just announced the they will be holding a protest against...

While We Were All Focused On Trump’s Inauguration, Michelle Obama Quietly Did THIS

As the Obamas are preparing to move out of the White House on Friday, Michelle Obama has been refreshingly quiet this week. However, the reason why she’s been silent is anything but comforting to the millions of us who can’t stand her… The Washington Post reported...

Snoop Dogg THREATENS Singers Performing At Trump Inauguration

After Donald Trump’s inauguration this week, he will quickly have to name somebody to the Supreme Court to replace conservative Judge Antonin Scalia, who died back in February. Now, it’s been rumored that a beloved Fox News host is strongly being considered by Trump...

BREAKING: Trump Considering THIS Fox News Host For Supreme Court Position

After Donald Trump’s inauguration this week, he will quickly have to name somebody to the Supreme Court to replace conservative Judge Antonin Scalia, who died back in February. Now, it’s been rumored that a beloved Fox News host is strongly being considered by Trump...

Jennifer Holliday Admits She ‘Received Death Threats From Black People’ For Agreeing To Perform At Inauguration…

Over the past year, the liberal media has tried to make Donald Trump’s supporters look like racist and violent extremists. However, what just happened to singer Jennifer Holliday after she signed on to perform at Trump’s inauguration proves that it’s really liberals...

Trump Reveals What He’ll Do IMMEDIATELY After Inauguration

Donald Trump’s inauguration is just three days away. Now he’s revealed just what he plans to do after his historic inauguration. During an in depth interview with the Times of London, Trump said he plans to take the weekend after his inauguration...

Michelle Obama Claims She’s A ‘Sex Symbol’ – Gets A BRUTAL Response

Michelle Obama is so unbelievably delusional that she claimed in a recent speech that she is some sort of sex symbol. Unfortunately for her, however, the American people weren’t having any of it. Michelle recently gave a speech in which she bragged about the many...

Liberals Demand Toby Keith Boycott Trump Inauguration – He SILENCES Them With THIS

Over the last few days, performers like Andrea Bocelli and Jennifer Holliday have backed out of singing at Donald Trump’s inauguration after receiving tons of backlash from liberals. Now, country music star Toby Keith has broken his silence to respond to his liberal...

Obama Embroiled In $2.6 Billion Scandal – This Could Put Him In PRISON

Barack Hussein Obama only has three days left before he will have to leave the White House forever. This week, something was revealed about Obama that indicates he may just be leaving the White House in handcuffs… Conservative 101 reported that Obama has found himself...

SHOCKING Photos Surface Of Scantily-Clad Sasha Obama – White House Panicking

During Barack Obama’s eight years in the White House, Americans have literally watched his daughter Sasha Obama grow from a small child into a young woman. That’s why it came as a surprise to many this week when photos surfaced of Sasha that prove she really is all...

Shocking Announcement About Trump’s Inauguration – This Is SICK

Liberals are once again showing what sore losers they are this week as 26 Democratic lawmakers have announced plans to boycott Donald Trump’s inauguration. New York Daily News reported that more lawmakers joined the boycott after Trump’s feud with Congressman John...

ESPN Host BLACKLISTED After Calling For Black Community To Support Trump

Last week, comedian Steve Harvey was attacked by millions of liberals online after he met with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss partnering with Trump Department of Housing and Urban Development nominee Dr. Ben Carson to work on restoring America’s inner cities....

Something Downright EERIE Was Just Spotted Outside The Obamas’ New Mansion…

The Obama family only has three days left before they will have to leave the White House. Last night, something was spotted outside their new home that makes their impending move a reality. Daily Mail reported that moving trucks were seen outside the Obamas’ new...

Michelle Obama Mouths Off About Donald Trump – Gets A BRUTAL Response

Michelle Obama made it clear that she doesn’t actually live by her “when they go low, we go high” mantra this week when she spoke out to slam Donald Trump following his feud with Democratic Rep. John Lewis. Lewis began the fight over the weekend when he said he does...

Trump Gives Hundreds Of Obama’s Staffers Some DEVASTATING News

Donald Trump is just four days away from taking over as our next president. In preparation for this, he just issued a brutal message to Barack Obama’s staffers that has let everyone know that he means business. Joe For America reported that Trump just fired hundreds...

Tim Allen Risks Everything To HUMILIATE Trump-Haters On Live TV

In the liberal world of Hollywood, it’s rare to find any actor that is brave enough to risk their career by mocking Democrats. That’s what makes Tim Allen and his show Last Man Standing so special, as he is not afraid to expose the ignorance of liberals and then poke...

CIA Director Threatens Trump – IMMEDIATELY Wishes He Hadn’t…

CIA Director John Brennan recently thought it would be a good idea to threaten Donald Trump. However, he just learned he made an enormous mistake. Mad World News reported that Brennan said that he didn’t think Trump had a “full understanding” of the threat posed by...

You Won’t Believe What Hillary Clinton Is Doing During Trump’s Inauguration…

Donald Trump’s inauguration is just four days away, and it’s sure to be an awkward occasion for Hillary Clinton. The Guardian reported that Clinton will attend the inauguration with her husband Bill. There, she will be forced to watch quietly while Trump is...

Whoopi Just Ran Her Mouth for the Last Time… SHE’S DONE

Whoopi Goldberg has been one of Trump’s loudest and most obnoxious critics, taking every chance she gets to slam him. Now, she’s just gone too far… On Wednesday’s episode of The View, the 35 page “dossier” came up. The dossier, originally published by Buzzfeed,...


Donald J. Trump is set to be sworn in as president next week, and liberals are doing everything that they can to make the transition of power as difficult as possible. The Daily Mail reported that, a growing number of Democrat lawmakers are boycotting Donald Trump’s...

CNN’s Jim Acosta Learns His Fate After Mouthing Off To Trump

Millions of conservatives applauded President-Elect Donald Trump last week after he shut down screaming CNN reporter Jim Acosta by telling him that his organization is “fake news” during a press conference. CNN had spent the previous 24 hours reporting on a fake news...

Fox News Makes MAJOR Announcement – Fans Shocked

Fox News made a shocking announcement today when it revealed that Bob Beckel has been resigned as host of The Five. Mediaite reported that Beckel left Fox in 2015 with the network at that time stating that they could no longer be held “hostage to one man’s personal...

BREAKING: Obama Does The UNTHINKABLE Before Leaving White House…

Barack Hussein Obama only has four days left of his presidency. However, he’s made it disturbingly clear that he’s planning to go out with a bang by issuing a series of executive orders against Donald Trump’s wishes. The Washington Post reported that in the last week...

Tucker Carlson Just HUMILIATED Megyn Kelly In Front Of Entire Nation

When Megyn Kelly left Fox News earlier this month, she assumed that the network would be lost without her. However, this past week she learned just how wrong she was when her replacement Tucker Carlson absolutely schooled her in the ratings. The Gateway...

Bill Clinton Rape Victims UNLOAD On Female Anti-Trump Protesters – ‘Shame On All Of You’

Three women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them have just come forward to slam the upcoming Women’s March on Washington, a celebrity-endorsed event planned for the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and...

Check Out What Was Spotted Next Door to the Obamas’ New Mansion

A house in the elite Washington D.C. neighborhood of Kalorama, which is home to the Obamas and Ivanka Trump, has just gone on the market. Daily Mail reported that the six bedroom house is for sale for $5.75 million, and it’s located just one block away from the...

Ivanka Trump Gets Some DEVASTATING News Before D.C. Move

Ivanka Trump is preparing to move to Washington D.C. this week, and a group of liberal protesters are planning to “help her move” in a sick way. Daily Mail reported that the liberals behind the Dear Ivanka Instagram have recently announced plans to hold a protest...

Al Sharpton’s Gets Some DEVASTATING News After Announcing Donald Trump Protest

A few days ago, proud race-baiter Reverend Al Sharpton announced that he would be marching on Washington on Martin Luther King Day to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration, which will happen just five days later. However, unfortunately for Sharpton, something just...

Trump Just Put Obama to SHAME at Return of Fallen Navy SEAL

President Donald Trump has often made headlines for his actions as Commander-in-Chief, and one of the moments that drew significant attention was his presence at the return of a fallen Navy SEAL. The somber occasion took place in 2017, when Navy SEAL Chief Petty...

Liberal CEO Demands Trump-Voting Employees Quit – Now He Regrets It!

Immediately after the presidential election, the CEO of GrubHub, an online food delivery service, sent out an anti-Donald Trump email to his employees. It’s safe to say that he’s regretting that move now… Louder With Crowder reported that CEO Matt Maloney wrote in an...
Melania Trump Makes MASSIVE Announcement

Melania Trump Makes MASSIVE Announcement

Melania Trump has spent the last few weeks since her husband’s inauguration out of the public eye as she quietly builds her staff from her home in New York City. That’s why it came as welcome news to her supporters today when it was announced that she will be...

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