Horrifying Announcement About Trump’s Inauguration

by | Jan 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s inauguration is just two days away, and many bitter liberal groups are scrambling to wreak as much havoc as they can during it.

One such organization is the anti-American group Code Pink, who just announced the they will be holding a protest against both the U.S. military and Trump’s inauguration at the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

Here’s Code Pink’s press release, courtesy of The Gateway Pundit:

“January 19 2:30 PM Lincoln Memorial – CODEPINK will protest Trump’s Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert. We will meet at the Soldiers Statue of the Vietnam War Memorial on the Mall just northeast of the Lincoln Memorial to welcome concert attendees with messages of ending war and militarism; welcoming refugees and immigrants; stopping hate, racism, and islamophobia; and more.”

Code Pink was founded back in 2002 by leftist activists Susan “Medea” Benjamin and Jodie Evans. The group gained national fame for holding a weekly protest at the old Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. during the Iraq War under President George W. Bush. There, they held signs accusing the wounded soldiers inside the hospital of being “war criminals.”

During Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008, Code Pink cofounder Jodie Evans served as a vetted fundraising bundler for him as she cohosted Hollywood fundraisers and donated tens of thousands of dollars to his cause while at the same time working with Cuba and Iran.

Beverly Perlson, founder of the Band of Mothers, is calling on Bikers For Trump to form a “wall of meat” to ruin the Code Pink protest on Thursday. She released the following statement:

How dare Suzie and her Code Pink Traitors who have the blood of our Soldiers on their hands, show up on the hallowed ground of the Vietnam Wall! These are the same shameful America hating women who carried signs out in front of Walter Reed calling our Wounded Sons War Criminals. It is my hope that all Patriots who hold our Soldiers dear show up at the wall on Thursday to defend and hold sacred the noble sacrifice of all who gavr their lives to keep us safe and free.

As the daughter of a Navy Veteran, the sister of a Marine, and the mother of a 82nd Airborne veteran, I hope a “wall of meat” is formed to protect the Vietnam Wall!”

SHARE this story if you are against this SICK liberal protest!

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