Over 12,000 People Call For Trump’s Assassination

by | Feb 3, 2017

We knew that liberals all over the U.S. hate Donald Trump, but even we had no idea they were this bad…

Daily Mail reported that over 12,000 tweets have come in calling for Trump to be assassinated since he was inaugurated two weeks ago.


Former Secret Service special agent Tim Franklin explained that his agency is likely to look into repeated threats, as they don’t have time to check out every single one that comes in.

“They’re not going to to beat down the door of everybody who makes a negative Twitter comment,” he said.

He added that law enforcement will also look into people who include specific details about how they plan to take down the president.

Zachary Benton of Ohio was arrested after he tweeted on election day: “Diplomacy. F***ing fools. I hate you all. I want to bomb every one of your voting booths and your general areas.”

“My life goal is to assassinate Trump. Don’t care if I serve infinite sentences. That man deserves to decease existing,” he added.

Heather Lowrey, a burlesque dancer from Kentucky, was investigated by the Secret Service after she tweeted, “If someone was cruel enough to assassinate MLK, maybe someone will be kind enough to assassinate Trump.”

The bottom line is liberals have gotten WAY out of hand with their anti-Trump hatred. Please keep Trump and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

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