Trump Just Gave Welfare-Leaching Aliens A RUDE Wakeup Call

by | Feb 2, 2017

During Barack Hussein Obama’s sham of a presidency, millions of illegal aliens were able to game the system and get on the welfare system, meaning they were milking Americans of their hard-earned tax dollars.

Unfortunately for these illegal welfare leaches, however, Donald Trump has just let them know that their free ride is over.

Mad World News reported that Trump is working on revising a draft calling for U.S. officials to tighten up visa restrictions, which would force able-bodied immigrants living in the U.S. to get off their couches and start working and paying taxes.

“Our country’s immigration laws are designed to protect American taxpayers and promote immigrant self-sufficiency. Yet households headed by aliens are much more likely than those headed by citizens to use Federal ­means-tested public benefits,” read one draft order obtained by the Washington Post.

With this move, Trump would be trying to “deny admission to any alien who is likely to become a public charge” and to develop standards for “determining whether an alien is deportable . . . for having become a public charge within five years of entry.”

If this order is approved, it would prevent migrants who violate U.S. immigration laws from receiving any welfare benefits whatsoever.

Over half of all immigrants are on welfare while only 30% of Americans are on it. 75% of immigrant welfare usage is by legal immigrant, meaning 25% is used by aliens who are here illegally. This is the kind of abuse Trump is trying to stop with this order.


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